1,BROMINATED VEGETABLE OILor BVO is vegetable oil that has atoms of the element BROMINE bonded to it, is essentially vegetable oil treated with the high-density element bromine. BVO was originally created as a flame retardant for children’s clothes and mattresses.the sad news is its added to our favorite sodas and energy drink in market.
WHY IT IS ADDED TO OUR DRINK: soda manufacturers started adding BVO to help prevent the flavouring from seperating and floating to the surface on the shelf. BVO is an emulsifier used to spread the fruit and coloring elements of the liquid evenly, giving citrus drinks a natural appearance and keeping the flavors evenly distributed.
SIDE EFFECT: However,there are case reports of adverse effects associated with excessive consumption of BVO containing products,one case reported that a man who consumed one to four liter of soda containing BVO on a daily basis experienced memory loss. One case reported tremors,tatigue,loss of muscle coordination,headaches,and ptosis of the right eyellid,bromism.
ADVISE;it is very important to check the ingredients use in your sodas and energy drinks before you consume.watch out for BVO and other chemicals that are threat to your health.
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